Form 10 B, C

H\w for the 22th September
SB ex 3,4, p 14 + write a story using Stative verbs not less than 15 sentences. Consult the page GR2

H\w for the 16th September
SB ex 8*,10*,11* p 15 

H\w for 15th September
SB ex 11 p 13 send audio to vk (Марина Голикова), WB p 6-7 (unit 1c)

H\w for 9th September
WB p 4-5 (unit 1a, 1b)


Study the rule

Watch the video

Do the exercise:

Hometask for  Wednesday 15.04
 Упражнения в презентации. Предложения целиком писать не нужно. Только выбранные слова

Hometask for Monday 13.04

Describe your family using as many terms from Topical Vocabulary as possible. Please write 120 – 150 words. (опиши свою семью. Используй как можно больше слов из раздела Top.Vocabulary. 120-150 слов)

Hometask for Friday 10.04

Unit 4 № 13 C,D. Topical Vocabulary перевести письменно в тетради.

Hometask for Thursday 9.04
(урока в zoom в среду нет, но дз вы высылаете в течение дня 8 апреля) 

Последнее задание на видео-презентации. Unit 4 № 13 A,B 
Все письменно, только форму. Целиком писать предложение не нужно.

Hometask for Wednesday 8.04
uUnit 4 ex 1. Think of the answers to the questions. You don’t have to write them.
uSB Unit 4 ex 4 Listen and do the tasks in writing. 
ссылка на аудио файл:
uMake a list of adjectives
that can describe a perfect
family. Make 5 sentences.
Write them down. Use example.
e.g. I’m sure that a perfect family
should be …, because it’s
important to … .


1. Подключаемся к трансляции за 10 минут до начала трансляции.

2. Заходим под своим именем и фамилией, НИКАКИХ НИКОВ!
3. Выходим со включенной видеокамерой, преподаватель должен видеть ученика. Для этого при входе соглашаемся на"Подключится с видео"  и " Использовать звук вашего компьютера"
4. Перед началом урока отключаем микрофон. (Кнопка в девом нижнем углу экрана) , чтобы избежать фонирования.
5. В чате используем значки: + ,  если все ясно, - , если что-то непонятно, ?, если возник вопрос.
6. Микрофон включает ТОЛЬКО конкретный ученик, когда учитель задает ему  вопрос.
7. После окончания занятия в течение 15 минут, фотографируем то, что сделали на уроке и присылаем фотографию через ВК или е-mail 
8. Домашнее задание присылается ДО начала следующего урока.
9. ПОМНИМ, что занимаемся по обычному расписанию НЕЗАВИСИМО, от того был ли урок в zoom или нет.
10. После окончания урока видео с объяснением выкладывается на блоге для того, чтобы  ученик мог посмотреть объяснение еще раз.
11. Если не было урока  в zoom, то на блоге будет расписано, какие упражнения и задания ученик должен  сделать ПРЕЖДЕ, чем приступить к выполнению домашнего задания

Passive voice
В ОГЭ в разделе грамматика практически всегда присутствует предложения в пассивном залоге (passive voice). Вспомните это правило и сделайте упражнения.
Посмотрите видео урок.

       Сделайте упражнения 1-6:

Let's get acquainted with a famous English writer 
Lewis Carroll.
 His name is a pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832 — 1898). He was an English logician, mathematician, photographer, and novelist, especially remembered for Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865).

Here's the picture of Lewis Carroll:

I propose you to watch a movie Alice in Wonderland. Follow the link and enjoy the story! The movie is in Russian but you're welcome to watch it in English if you want. After you have watched the film you are to do some tasks. (2 задания см ниже!)


Темы презентаций см на странице Country Study

Do exercises 21-22 in your copybooks

Watch the video aboout articles. 
Make notes and do exercises 1-6.

Субстантивированные прилагательные.

Существительное можно образовать от прилагательных, например,
young (молодой) - the young (молодежь)
old (старый) - the old (старики)
poor (бедный) - the poor (бедняки)

rich (богатый) - the rich (богачи)

Демо версия региональной контрольной работы доступна по ссылке:

Key word transformations.
Не понимаешь как трансформировать предложение? или просто нужно больше упражнений? 
Жми на ссылку и проходи онлайн упражнения. 
Если сделаешь ошибку, программа напишет, как надо было ответить.
Будут вопросы, подходи и спроси меня!


И еще гора полезных упражнений на лексику и грамматику. Тоже все он-лайн с интерактивной проверкой результата. 
Я не увижу твои ошибки, но ты можешь подойти и спросить то, что было непонятно.


Все задания из электронного журнала выполняем и высылаем мне на e-mail или в ВК.
Сканы и фотографии домашней работы должны быть чёткими и читаемые!
Все оценки выставляются сразу в электронный журнал.
Задания даются в день урока, с учётом времени занятия и домашней работы!
Одинаковые работы (с одинаковыми очевидными ошибками) оцениваются

как «2»

Hometask for Tuesday
collar - воротничок
sleeve - рукав
cuff - манжет
band - лента
braces - подтяжки
waistcoat - жилет
tie - галстук
zipper - молния
knot - узел
laces - шнурки
button - пуговица
buttonhole - петелька
get dressed - одеться
brand new - совсем новый

Hometask for Friday

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben.

… I am very busy now preparing for my exams but yesterday I went to
the cinema with my friends. We saw a new film about Sherlock Holmes.
You’ve probably seen it too. …

What kinds of films do you like? Where do you prefer watching films – in
the cinema or at home and why? What would you make a film about if
you had a chance?…

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


 Card 1 You are to give a talk on hobbies.  You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 12 - 15 sentences.
Remember to say:
-       What hobbies do you know;
-       What is your hobby;
-       is it important for a person to have a hobby, why?

Card 2 You are to give a talk on the world of professions.  You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 12-15 sentences.
Remember to say:
-          what professions are popular nowadays;
-          what jobs are the most important ones and why;
-          what prospects jobs can offer and what jobs attract you, why.

Card 3 You are to give a talk on choosing a career.  You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 12-15 sentences.
Remember to say:
-          why it is difficult to choose a future profession and a career;
-          what jobs young people choose nowadays and what qualities they require;
-          what job you would like to take and if you have the necessary traits for it.

Card 4 You are to give a talk on schools in Britain.  You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 12-15 sentences.
Remember to say:
-          what types of schools exist in Britain and what subjects they offer;
-          if there are any exams in British schools;
-          if schools in Britain and Russia differ.

         Card 5 You are to give a talk on your school.  You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 12-15 sentences.
Remember to say:
-          what school you study in; if it is a state school or an independent school;
-          what subjects are taught in your school;
-          what you would like to change in your school to make it an ideal one.

Card   6 You are to give a talk on school uniform.  You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 12-15 sentences.
Remember to say:
-          if it is necessary to have a school uniform;
-          if the school uniform disciplines pupils and makes them concentrated;
-          if you have a school uniform in your school, what it is like.

Card   7 You are to give a talk on the role of money in the modern world.  You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 12-15 sentences.
Remember to say:
 -  what money means for people;
 -  how money appeared and what equivalents of paper money people used;
 -  if you save or spend money.

Card 8 You are to give a talk on shops and shopping.  You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 12-15 sentences.
Remember to say:
-          why shops are ideal places to spend money;
-           how often you go shopping and what kinds of shops you visit;
-          what services shops offer for their customers.

Card 9  You are to give a talk on sport.  You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 12-15 sentences.
Remember to say:
-         What role sport plays in people's lives, what do you think of extreme sports.
-         What sports and games are popular among teenagers in your region;
-         What a person should do if he or she wants to stay healthy.

Card 10 You are to give a talk on scientific discoveries and inventions.  You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 12-15 sentences.
Remember to say:
-          what scientific discoveries and inventions have changed the human world;
-          what outstanding Russian inventors you know;
-          what great scientific inventions have changed the human life.

Card 11 You are to give a talk on virtual reality.  You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 12-15 sentences.
Remember to say:
- what the phrase “virtual reality” means;
-  what opportunities virtual reality gives to people of different occupations;
-  why virtual reality technologies can be dangerous for people.

Card 12 You are to give a talk on travelling.  You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 12-15 sentences.
Remember to say:
- what the reasons for travelling are;
-  what the most popular means of travelling are and which of them you prefer and why;
- if there any rules travellers should follow and what rules you usually follow when you go travelling.

Card 13 You are to give a talk on traveller’s code of conduct.  You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 12-15 sentences.
Remember to say:
-          if there are any rules for a traveller and what a traveller’s etiquette is;
-          how to make your journey pleasant;
-          what you should know about money, clothes and luggage in a trip;
-          if it is necessary to learn a foreign language for travelling.

Card 14 You are to give a talk on mass media.  You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 12-15 sentences.
Remember to say:
-          what the phrase “mass media” means;
-      what sources of information are used nowadays and which of them are the most popular ones;
-          what kind of papers people read and if you personally read newspapers.

Card 15 You are to give a talk on mass media and press.  You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 12-15 sentences.
Remember to say:
-          if people need newspapers and what for;
-          what the two different ways newspapers treat the news are;

-          which source of information is popular with teens nowadays.

Hometask for Tuesday
1. Study new words and learn them by heart:
to appear - появляться
to exchange - обменивать
precious - драгоценный
cheap - дешевый
value - ценность
to influence - влиять
to have influence on - иметь влияние на 
abroad - за границей
convenient - удобный
wallet - бумажник
currency - валюта
purchase - покупка
2. Read the text. Get ready to speak about the history of Money. Retell the text.

The history of money

It appeared thousands of years ago. Around 9000 BC people exchanged things like cowrie shells, animals and precious metals as money. By 500 BC metal coins appeared. Paper banknotes were created in China in 806 AD. Only three centuries later it was used in Europe. The money we use nowadays is made of paper and cheap metals. They are banknotes and coins of different value.

Modern technologies have influenced the way of payment: and plastic cards are becoming more and more popular today and they can be accepted even abroad. It’s really convenient and safe for travellers because you don’t have to carry the money in your wallet or exchange the currency in order to make purchases in foreign countries. One can also use a smart-watch of a smart-phone (a cell) to pay for some things. 

Hometask for Tuesday.

1) Write the other parts of speech and give synonyms to the words:
фото тетради присылаем на почту до 20:00 понедельника

2) Agree or disagree. Some people say that "Money makes the world go round" Do you agree? What do you think of that? Give your reasons. Write 10-12 sentences.
Помним, что нужно использовать вводные фразы типа:
I'm sure - я убежден
I believe - я убежден
I consider - я полагаю
Some people think …. while others believe that … Некоторые люди думают …, в то время как другие убеждены, что ...
On the contrary - напротив \ наоборот
Nevertheless - тем не менее
However - однако
By the way - между прочим
Besides - кроме того
фото тетради присылаем на почту до 20:00 понедельника
3Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 2732, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 2732.

Siem Reap is a small town in Cambodia, a country in southeast Asia. It is built around a __________________ cathedral.
The town is charming with some fine examples of French colonial architecture. A legend says that a French __________________ once called the town “a pearl of Cambodia”.
Nowadays, this town is quite popular with tourists. They often use it as a starting point for their __________________ travellings.
The town is really remarkable. There you will find some __________________ stone monuments and statues, ancient buildings and picturesque ruins.
Note that it’s __________________ hot there in the summer.
Please ensure that you take __________________ walking shoes, light clothing and plenty of water to drink.







фото тетради присылаем на почту до 20:00 понедельника

Hometask for Thursday

1) Write as many verbs that can be used with the word MONEY (for example, spend, give, earn...)
2) Write the other parts of speech and give synonyms to the words:

For example, 
to employ - emplyer, employee, employment, unemloyment, employed, uneployed
+ to find synonyms use

Hometask for Wednesday
Task 5. 
The phone woke Kim up. She answered the call almost immediately, after the _______THREE_______ beep, because she was expected her mother to call. But it wasn’t her. The voice on the other end of the line sounded familiar but Kim _____NOT/CAN______ remember who it belonged to.
“Hello,” the lady said.
“Can I speak to Mrs. Len?”
“I’m sorry but she’s not at home. She’s out. She _______WALK_____ in the park.”
It was very cold out-of-doors and everything _______COVER______ in snow but Kim’s mother walked in all weathers. She believed that it _______HELP______ her keep fit and gave her extra energy. She actually looked younger than other ______WOMAN_______ of her age and that was probably because of her walking.
“Can I take a message?” Kim asked politely.
“No. I _____CALL_______ her later. When is she going to be back?”
“She normally ______COME____ home at five.”
“Fine,” came the answer and the phone went dead.
Kim felt a bit hurt. “It’s not polite to break off a conversation like that,” she thought to herself. If I _____BE_____ older, I would explain to that lady how to talk to people politely.” 
Task 6
Anna was glad that the academic year was about to finish. Like most _________CHILD_________ she was looking forward to the summer but not because she wanted to relax. Her plans _________BE_________ ambitious. Anna wanted to buy a professional digital camera and it wasn’t easy to save enough money.  Anna had already chosen the model she wanted. Her dad said that he _________GIVE_________ her the camera in a couple of years. But Anna _________NOT/CAN________ wait so long, she needed it right then. “If I _________HAVE_________ it now, I would be able to take part in the Professional Photograph Competition. Everyone says I’ve got talent,” she said to herself, looking at the magazine where an article about the competition _________PUBLISH_________. While she was reading the article for the _________TWO_________ time, a brilliant idea came to her –  why not take up a summer job as a photographer? She reached for the phone and dialed the number of the _________LARGE_________ photography agency in the town. “Hello, can I help you?” the woman’s voice sounded encouraging and Anna _________THINK_________ that she probably had a chance. 

Hometask for Tuesday

Слова стоят уже на тех местах, где и должны. Ваша задача изменить форму слова. Часть речи не меняем!
Встретили сущ - ставим во мн.число, прилагательное - сравнительная или превосходная степень, местоимение (см таблицу в тетради), числительное - делаем порядковым (one - first), глагол - меняем время. 
Оставить слово в неизмененном виде нельзя!

Task 1.

Michael could not imagine his life without computers. His parents _____BUY_____ him his first computer at the age of seven. It took ______HE_______ several days to learn how to use it. His mum said that the younger people were, the ______FAST_____ they could learn computer skills. That was probably true – most _____CHILD_______ in Michael’s class were very competent computer users. Michael was really surprised to find out that the first personal computer ______INVENT_____ in the 70’s of the last century. 

“And how did you chat or send your e-mails without computers?” he asked his mother. 

She smiled: “We ______NOT/SEND_______ each other e-mails. And there were no networks.”

She also said that it ______BE_______ fun to communicate face-to-face, to play out-of-doors and to visit friends’ homes.

“But if there ____BE_____ no computers, I wouldn’t be able to communicate with my friends who live far away from me,” Michael replied.

“True. Technological progress is a great thing,” his mother said “And I think people ____CREATE_____ even more amazing communication devices in the near future.” 

Task 2. 

Kitty lived next door to me and we’d been friends since childhood. We learnt at the same school and _________WALK_________ there together. I was sixteen and she was four years _________YOUNG_________ than me. But we had a lot in common and enjoyed chatting on ________WE__________ way to school. Every morning Kitty knocked on my door and I had to be ready by that time – she _________NOT/LIKE_________ waiting for me. One day she didn’t knock. When I caught up with her at the bus stop, she _________READ_________ a magazine and didn’t even look at me. I _________NOT/CAN_________ understand what was going on.
“Hey, Kitty, what’s wrong? Why aren’t you talking to ________I__________?”
“You yourself know why,” Kitty said angrily.
“No, I don’t. I wouldn’t ask you if I ________KNOW__________.”
“You went to the cinema with Lisa Parker yesterday,” Kitty was almost crying.
I felt puzzled and didn’t know what to say. The two _________WOMAN_________ at the bus stop looked amused at our conversation and didn’t hide their smiles.

For Thursday.

Choose one college and speak about:
1. Where is it situated
2. What famous people studied there.
3. What subjects are studied there
4. For how long have students been studying there
5. What exams do they pass

  • Cardiff Sixth Form College ixth Form College (Cardiff Six Form College)
  • The Perse School , Cambridge (private school The Perse School in Cambridge)
  • Westminster School , Westminster (Westminster School Westminster School)
  • King's College School Wimbledon (private day school of King's College School Wimbledon)
  • Queen Ethelburga's College , York (College of Queen Ethelburg in York)
  • Concord College , Shrewsbury (Concord School in Shrewsbury)
  • City of London School For Girls (London School for Girls)
  • Haberdashers' Aske's boys School , Elstree (Haberdechers Asx School for Boys in Elstree)
  • St John's College, Cardiff (St. John's College in Cardiff)
  • King Edward's School , Birmingham (private school King Edward's School)
  • Magdalen College School, Oxford (private school Magdalen College, Oxford)
  • North London Collegiate School (Northern London Collegiate School)
  • Royal Grammar School Guildford (Royal Grammar Guildford School)
  • Alleyn's School, Dulwich (Alins School in London)
  • Haberdashers' Aske's School for Girls , Borehamwood (Haberdechers Asx School for Girls in Borhamwood)
  • The Faculty of Queen Ethelburga's (the department of Queen Ethelburga School in York)
  • Brighton College (Brighton College)
  • St Mary's School Ascot (St. Mary's School in Ascot)
  • Hampton School (a school for boys in Hampton).

28.09 в 12:00 все желающие приглашаются принять участие в школьном этапе Всероссийской олимпиады  по английскому языку 

Home task for Wednesday
Разобраться с текстом, доделать задание.
p 7 Use of English
p 7 ex 2 
Остальные задания по желанию

Home task for Wednesday
1) Make a story with new words. Use as many words as possible. (not less than 10 sentences.)
2) SB ex 39*, 40*, 41* p 25

Home task for Tuesday
Фразовый глагол - hand (p21) - выучить значения.
SB ex 35*, 36* p22; ex 37, 38 p22-25 read, translate new words. В учебниках карандашом не пишем!!! Пишите перевод в тетрадях!

Синонимы можно посмотреть на сайте:

Home task for Friday
SB ex 32, 33, 34 p 20 - Make a dialogue and learn it by heart. Be ready to act it out in class.

Home task for Wednesday
SB ex 25*p 15, ex28*p 17. 
Выучить правило Present Subjunctive, Past Subjunctive.

Home task for Tuesday
SB ex 12*, 13*, 14*, 15* p 8-9
Выучить схемы, которые записали на уроке. (Subjunctive Mood)

Home task for Friday.
SB ex 7*, 8, 9* p 5-6; 
write a composition about your hobby. Write 180-200 words. Use the example:

Home task for Thursday.
SB ex 60* p 37, ex 62* p 38, ex 63* p 38. 
Задания, отмеченные * делаем письменно!

Home task for Wednesday.
SB p 34-37 translate topical vocabulary. 
Watch the presentation up to the end.

Exercise 1.

B2.Прочитайте текст о жизни типичной английской семьи. Установите соответствие между заголовками А—F  и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1 —5. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

A. The beginning of the day

B. The way to work

C. Hobbies

D. At the weekend

E. Friends

F. Activities after dinner

1. If you stay with an English family, what will life be like? We will tell you about life at the Grants' flat in London. During the week, the day starts at about 7.15. They have breakfast in the kitchen. Tim and Penny Grant always have toast and coffee, but a lot of English people prefer tea. Charlie, Tim and Penny's son, has orange juice and cereal.

2.   Tim and Penny leave the flat at about 8 o'clock. They go to work on the tube. Charlie gets the bus to school. A lot of British people travel to work by car. The roads are usually very busy, especially during the 'rush hour' — in the morning and at the end of the day.

3.  They usually eat together, but sometimes Penny works in the evening and sometimes Tim goes to the gym after work. They eat at about half past seven. After that Tim reads a paper, Charlie does his homework and Penny watches TV. They go to bed at about eleven.

4. On Saturday and Sunday, Charlie and Tim sometimes go to a football match, and Tim always washes the car. Penny does the housework and Tim does the shopping at the supermarket near the flat. Sometimes they go to the cinema, or they go for a walk on Hampstead Heath.

5.  Sometimes Tim and Penny's friends come to the flat for a meal, or just to say 'hello'. Penny often goes cycling on Sunday. Charlie spends a lot of time at his friend’s flat, and he often argues with his parents when he doesn't help at home!

Exercise 2.
Прочитайте текст о японской школе. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений А5—А8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Yesterday was a normal school day for Yumiko, a fourteen-year-old student at Higashi High School in Tokyo, Japan. At 6.15 am, while you were probably still asleep, Yumiko was getting ready for school. At 7.30 she left home and travelled for an hour by train to get to school.

Her first class started at 8.40. She had four lessons in the morning. There isn't a cafeteria or a canteen at Yumiko's school so, at 12.30, she stayed in her classroom with her classmates and ate her packed lunch. She had 50 minutes for lunch and then had two more classes. At 3 pm classes finished. Yumiko helped to tidy the classroom and after that she went to baseball club and practiced for two hours. Every student in Japan goes to a sports club after school.

After baseball, Yumiko had a burger and then took a 30-minute train journey to a special school called a 'juku'. She stayed there for three hours, studying for her exams. Yumiko likes going to 'juku' because she says it's more fun than normal school, and more interesting. Her parents don't mind paying because they hope it will help her to get into a good university. Finally, Yumiko went home and did homework before she went to bed — at midnight. And you thought you had a hard life!

A5. It doesn't take Yumiko much time to get to school.

1) True            2) False                 3) Not stated

A6. She usually has breakfast at a school canteen.

1) True           2) False                3) Not stated

A7. Not all students in Japan go in for sport after school.

1) True            2) False                3) Not stated

A8. Yumiko's parents have to pay a lot of money for extra classes.

1) True            2) False                3) Not stated

Exercise 3.

Exercise 4.
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B10 - B14

, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию B10 - B14

Критерии оценивания задания 3. (максимально 7 баллов) 
Устное высказывание в формате ОГЭ (а именно к нему мы и привыкаем) оценивается по следующим критериям: 
1. Решение коммуникативной задачи
2. Организация высказывания
3. Языковое оформление высказывания
Ниже смотри подробную расшифровку критериев.

1. Решение коммуникативной задачи
3 балла: 
Задание выполнено полностью: цель общения достигнута; тема раскрыта в полном объёме (полно, точно и развёрнуто раскрыты все аспекты, указанные в задании)
2 балла:
Задание выполнено: цель общения достигнута; но тема раскрыта не в полном объёме (один аспект раскрыт не полностью)
1 балл:
Задание выполнено частично: цель общения достигнута частично; тема раскрыта в ограниченном объёме (один аспект не раскрыт, ИЛИ все аспекты задания раскрыты не полно, ИЛИ два аспекта раскрыты не в полном объёме, третий аспект дан полно и точно)
0 баллов:
Задание не выполнено: цель общения не достигнута: два аспекта содержания не раскрыты

При получении участником ОГЭ  0 баллов по критерию «Решение коммуникативной задачи» всё задание оценивается в 0 баллов.

2. Организация высказывания
2 балла:
Высказывание логично и имеет завершённый характер; имеются вступительная и заключительная фразы, соответствующие теме. Средства логической связи используются правильно
1 балл:
Высказывание в основном логично и имеет достаточно завершённый характер, НО отсутствует вступительная ИЛИ заключительная фраза, имеются одно-два нарушения в использовании средств логической связи
0 баллов:
Высказывание  нелогично,  вступительная и заключительная фразы отсутствуют; средства логической связи практически не используются

3. Языковое оформление высказывания
2 балла:
Использованный  словарный запас, грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление высказывания соответствуют поставленной задаче (допускается не более четырёх негрубых лексико-грамматических ошибок И/ИЛИ не более трёх негрубых фонетических ошибок)
1 балл:
Использованный  словарный запас,  грамматические структуры, фонетическое оформление высказывания соответствуют поставленной задаче (допускается не более пяти негрубых лексико- грамматических ошибок И/ИЛИ не более четырёх негрубых фонетических ошибок)
0 баллов:
Понимание высказывания затруднено из-за многочисленных лексикограмматических и фонетических ошибок (шесть и более лексикограмматических ошибок И/ИЛИ пять и более фонетических ошибок) ИЛИ более трёх грубых ошибок

В то время, пока я на больничном, домашнее задание выкладываю в электронном журнале. Учите карточки. Как выйду с больничного будет зачет по карточкам. 

Дополнительные упражнения, чтобы исправить двойки. Эти работы принимаю только во вторник!
Пишем на листочке. Все предложения пишем целиком, в скобках указываем грамматическое время (например, Past Simple и т.д.). 
Task 1. Open the brackets using Passive voice.
1. A lot of apples (to eat) in autumn every year.
2. The answer (to receive) yesterday. 
3. I (to ask) at the lesson tomorrow.
4. Her new film (to finish) next year. 
5. Some beautiful shells (to bring) from the South every year.
6. Be quiet! The article (to translate).
7. The book already (to translate).
8. The book (to translate) before came to the office.
9. We (to meet) at the station before it started to rain.
10. He (to follow) by the police at the moment. 

Task 2. 
Transform sentences from active to passive voice.
1. They gave me a new sweater.
2. The headmaster is calling Peter.
3. We usually throw away useless things.
4. People speak Portuguese in Brazil. 
5. We have cleaned our house.
6. I have just visited my grandparents.
7. We sent a letter two days ago. 
8. My friends will buy a new game tomorrow.
9. I use my computer every day.
10. Students won't attend a lecture tomorrow.

Еще раз напоминаю, что за время карантина вы должны были выполнить задания (см. электронный журнал). За каждое письменное задание, помеченное * вам будет выставлена оценка в журнал! По непонятным мне причинам, я не получила на e-mail работы некоторых учеников. Не удивляйтесь - за несданные работы будет отметка "2". Карантин - это не каникулы. 
Ниже все задания, которые необходимо было выполнить. Перевод слов тоже должен быть написан в тетрадь!
6 9 марта 2018 г.
SB ex 3*, 4*, 5* p 210-211 Английский язык-4
7 7 марта 2018 г.
SB ex 63 p247, ex1,2* p 209 Английский язык-4
8 6 марта 2018 г.  Английский язык-4
9 6 марта 2018 г.
SB p 245-246 перевести слова (в тетради письменно), ex 61*, 62* p246 ( ответить на вопросы) значок * значит задание делаем письменно и мне высылаем фото. Английский язык-4
10 2 марта 2018 г.
SB ex 57 (пишем только слово, к котором удается определение), 58 (письменно отвечаем на вопросы), 60 p 244-245 за это будет оценка в журнал! Все должно быть четко написано в тетрадь! Английский язык-4
11 1 марта 2018 г.
SB p 242-244 read, translate (все пишем в тетрадь, в учебнике карандашом не пишем!) Английский язык-4
12 28 февраля 2018 г.
SB ex 64, 66, 67 (A) unit 6 фотаем тетрадь с заданиями и высылаем на e-mail Английский язык-4
13 27 февраля 2018 г.
Английский язык-4
14 27 февраля 2018 г. карточка 2 (London) - см в блоге пример устного высказывания. Учим, мне высылаем на почту запись. Английский язык-4
15 22 февраля 2018 г.  SB ex 48 p 192 (прочитать, первый абзац записать контрольное чтение и выслать мне на e-mail: Все задания высылаем в тот день, на который они заданы. См объявление в блоге

Во время карантина вы выполняете задания, за которые получите оценки. Задания вы высылаете мне на почту в тот день, на которое оно задано не позднее 20:00. В конце карантина все задания разом я проверять не буду! Все выполняйте вовремя. 

Exam 7 Grade

1.     You are to give a talk on the importance of one's appearance for one's success in life. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14 - 20 sentences. 

Remember to say:  

- what kinds of people mostly attract you and why;  

- how important is one's appearance for one's success in life; 

-  if you are tolerant enough to people who are not like you in tastes, appearance and behaviour;

2.     You are to give a talk on London. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14 - 20 sentences. 

Remember to say:  

-        London as one of the most fascinating capitals of the world;

-        What sights of London can you comment on;

-        If you would like to visit London and what places.

3.     You are to give a talk on your family and home. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14 - 20 sentences. 

Remember to say:  

-        If you agree o disagree that one’s place is one’s home and family;

-        If it is important to have a close family;

-        How can family help to overcome difficulties.

4.     You are to give a talk on English as a global language. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14 - 20 sentences. 

Remember to say:  

-        Prove that English is a truly global language of the world;

-        What can you do to improve your English;

-        how you are planning to use English in the future. 

5.     You are to give a talk on friends. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14 - 20 sentences. 

Remember to say:  

-        If it is better to have one close friend or many friends;

-        What traits of character you consider the most important in friends;

-        Is it possible to have friends in other cities or countries.

6.     You are to give a talk on British holidays. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14 - 20 sentences. 

Remember to say:  

-        If the UK is rich in holidays;

-        What holiday is your favourite, why;

-        What traditions in the UK are similar to Russian.

7.     You are to give a talk on cinema and theatre. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14 - 20 sentences. 

Remember to say:  

-        What role do arts play in people’s lives;

-        What arts are the most popular nowadays;

-        Which of arts do you prefer.

8.     You are to give a talk on Russia. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14 - 20 sentences. 

Remember to say:  

-        What official information can you say about Russia;

-        How can you comment on geographical position of Russia;

-        Name some famous people of Russia, explain your choice.

9.     You are to give a talk on Moscow. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14 - 20 sentences. 

Remember to say:  

-        Why it is called Moscow the beautiful;

-        What places would you like to visit in Moscow;

-        Would you like to move to Moscow one day, why.

10.  You are to give a talk on Russian cities. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14 - 20 sentences. 

Remember to say:  

 - what major cities of Russia you know;

 - what these cities are famous for;   

 - what interesting places in Russian cities you would like to visit and why. 

11.  You are to give a talk on your favourite holiday. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14 - 20 sentences. 

Remember to say:  

- what holidays are Russian public holidays;

 - which of the holidays are typically Russian;

 - what holiday your family like to celebrate and why;
12.  You are to give a talk on your native town. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14 - 20 sentences. 
Remember to say:  
-  what the name of the town you live in is and what it is famous for;
 - what you know about the history of your town; 
 - what your favourite place in the town is, why.   
13.  You are to give a talk on your school. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14 - 20 sentences. 
Remember to say:  
  -  what your typical school day is like;
  -  what your favourite subject is, and why; 
  - what you like most about your school.   
14.  You are to give a talk on the Olympic Games and sports. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14 - 20 sentences. 
Remember to say:  
- what do you know about the history of the Olympic Games;
- what role sport plays in people’ lives;
- what is your advice to stay healthy and keep fit.
15.  You are to give a talk on books and reading. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14 - 20 sentences. 
Remember to say:  
-        What facts from the history of books can you remember;
-        If a good book is the best of friends today and forever;
-        What do you prefer: paperbacks or electronic books.
Пример устного высказывания:

2.     You are to give a talk on London. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14 - 20 sentences. 
Remember to say:  
-        London as one of the most fascinating capitals of the world;
-        What sights of London can you comment on;
-        If you would like to visit London and what places.

As everyone knows London is the capital of Great Britain. It is situated on the banks of the River Thames, and it is the largest city in Britain and one of the largest in the world. About 7 million people live there. It draws people all over the world. Some come for holidays, some come for business or studying, but having seen London once, you fall in love with it forever.

The capital consists of 4 parts: the City, the Westminster, the East End and the West End.

     Westminster is an important part of the capital. It’s the administrative centre of London. The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government, are there. Opposite the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Abbey where kings and queens have been crowned and many famous people were buried. The Houses of Parliament are often referred to as the Palace of Westminster.

The City is London's commercial and business centre. There is the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange and the head offices of numerous companies and corporations there. Thanks to them, the City is often referred to as "the money" of London.

The West End is full of the historical palaces as well as the famous parks. Hyde Park with its Speaker's Corner, Kensington Gardens, St. James's Park. In the West End is Buckingham Palace. It is the Queen's residence, and the Palace of Westminster which is the seat of Parliament. If you are in this part of the city you just have to visit the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, the famous Tower Clock Big Ben, the symbol of London, St. Paul's Cathedral, the greatest of English churches.

In The East End you can find a great number of factories, workshops and docks. For example, St. Katharine's Dock, close to Tower Bridge, is now an attractive marina surrounded by bars and restaurants. The East End is in many ways the "real" London. Those who live in the East End are often called Cockneys, i.e. (it means) true Londoners. They have got their own peculiar dialect and accent.

It’s impossible to describe all places of interest and the best way to know London is to visit it.
  As for me, it is associated with fish, chips, a cup of tea, rainy weather and Mary Poppins. If I had a chance to visit this city I would definitely visit ...... (your variants).

Пример устного высказывания:
1.     You are to give a talk on the importance of one's appearance for one's success in life. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14 - 20 sentences. 
Remember to say:  
- what kinds of people mostly attract you and why;  
- how important is one's appearance for one's success in life; 
-  if you are tolerant enough to people who are not like you in tastes, appearance and behaviour;

 I'd like to give a talk about the importance of one's appearance and personality for one's success in life. Among my classmates and friends there are people of various kinds. Some of them are kind, generous and reliable, the others are nasty, greedy or ill-mannered. 
    I personally make friends with the boys and girls who are reliable as such people are always helpful, I mean they help you in any difficult situation, they give you good advice or share something with you. Besides, people with a nice sense of humour attract me most of all. For example, my friend ..... is always cheerful and energetic. He (she) always helps me do my maths problems and shares his(her) opinions with me. 
    As for one's appearance and its importance for one's success in life, I must say that it depends. Some people are really very attractive. If they are going to be actors or actresses, TV-hosts or TV-hostesses, their appearance will help them greatly to achieve success. But there are many people with ordinary appearance. They are also very successful as they are hard-working and well-disciplined, well-mannered and well-educated. They set goals daily and weekly, monthly and yearly, they make "to-do lists". So, to become a better person I must understand that my time is limited. There is a good proverb, "Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today."Besides, I think it is really important to read a lot of good books, see good films and study famous personalities' biographies. 
    I know that I must take care of myself, eat healthy food and do exercises. I must learn to manage my time. And, finally, I must meet as many new people as possible, as everyone who comes into our life has something to teach us. Also, I must give generously and share what I have.

ДЗ на четверг 28.12
Your task is to decribe a picture SB ex 63* p 96 
1. Где и когда была снята эта фотография. 
1-2 предложений для этой части будет достаточно. 

2. Кто или что изображено на этой фотографии. 
Здесь также можно не очень сильно заострять внимание. Хватит и 2-3 предложений. 

3. Что на ней происходит. 
Самая объемная часть ответа, где вы можете проявить себя. Рассказывайте все, что можете в этой части. 

4. Почему ты хранишь эту фотографию в своем альбоме. Здесь ответы могут различаться у каждого человека, но в основе их может лежать фраза «to recall good memories». 

5. Почему ты показываешь эту фотографию своему другу. 

Полезные фразы в помощь 

Well… — Ладно. — Если вы не знаете, с чего начать, говорите это слово. 
In the photo … — На фотографии… 
I took this picture… when/because  —Я сделал этот снимок… когда/потому что… 
In the foreground/background of the picture… — На переднем/заднем плане картинки… 
At the very particular moment — В этот самый момент…

Пример описания картинки:

 I took this photo when we were having a family dinner at my grandparent’s house last winter. That is how we usually spend weekends during the winter time so I have at least a dozen other similar photos. 

In this photo you can see all my brothers and sisters, and my grandparents as well. They look happy as the dinner has already started and it is absolutely delicious. There is lots of food, the room is dimply lit and atmosphere is very cozy. 

As I have already mentioned, we are having dinner in this picture. What is more, we are talking, discussing some school issues and having fun. Well, it is not shown in the picture, but I had taken it a few seconds before mother brought in a delicious turkey. 

The reason why I keep this photo is because I really love my family and I adore such evenings. We gather together, share some school stories and enjoy ourselves. Another reason for keeping the photo is the opportunity of recollecting those memories any time I need it. 

I wanted to share this picture with you because as far as I know you are going to have some family weekend soon, so I would like to remind you how important and pleasant it is to keep such sweet memories. 

That is all I wanted to say. (Не забудьте про эту фразу)

ДЗ на пятницу

Полную версию страницы см в учебнике по ссылке стр 90-91

Учим песни! Выступаем в понедельник 25 декабря
Каждый класс учит свою песню. 

Sleigh ride 7 "А"

I want to be an elf 7 "Б"

When Santa got stuck in the chimney 7 "В"

ДЗ на чт 7.12

Change the verb into the correct form:
1. I  (be) here for two hours.
2. They  (own) the house since 1991.
3. They  (have) those problems for a long time.
4. We  (see) this movie already.
5. You  (check) my spelling.
6. Angela  (taste) baked bananas in her trip to South America.
7. Lisa  (buy) a new television.
8. Donna  (break) her leg.
9. Tim and Allison  (have) a baby.
10. I  (know) Susan for all my life.
11. Dan  (work) here since last November.
12. Jamie  (be) sick for two days now.
13. You  (wait) for an answer since March.
14. Peter  (be) here since last summer.
15. I  (built) many houses in my life.

ДЗ на пт.

Task 1. Fill in the prepepositions.
1. Children like to look ... monkey in the zoo. 2. The girl took ... her mother. She was very beautiful. 3. WHere have you been? I have been looking ... you everywhere. 4. I dan't need this book you can give it ... . 5. You can do it. Don't give ... . 6. Look, the plane is taking ... . 7. Let's take the curtains ... and wash them. 8. My father gave... smoking. 9. I looked the book ... . 10. She has given ... the collection of badges.

Task 2. Fill in the articles a/an/the/-/

1. This is ... pen. ... is red. 2. I have got ... brother. He is ... doctor. 3. Have you got ... dog? 4. Last Friday I gave ... present for ... my ... sister.  ... present was nice. 5. ... pen is broken. Give me another ... pen. 6. We have ... large ... family. 7. Is Sam at ... home. 8. She often tells us ... lot of ... intersting tales. 9. She is at... school now. 10. I have ...two ... dogs.  11. ... first one is Sam, ... second one is Ben. 

ДЗ на чт. 

II Term

Complex Object

Exercise 1.
Choose the correct variant.

1. We looked at the sky and saw ___ in the clouds.

2. We expect the Chinese delegation ____ tomorrow.

3. Mr. Smith didn"t want his daughter ____ an actress.

4. We expected ____ in water polo championship.

5. Mrs. Edwards usually ___ at home when he feels sick.

6. Betty felt ___ to tremble.

7. Linda is being very rude. I have never heard ___ to her mother like that before.

8. I don"t want ___ your grandfather. It's very impolite of you.

9. The children are making too much noise. I"d like ___ quiet.

10. The last drop makes ___.

Exercise 2
Make up as many sentences as you can using the words and word-groups from each column of the substitution table. Pay attention that after verbs 'to see, to hear, to feel, to let, to make, etc...' the infinitive has no particle 'to' .

1) with the verb 'to see'
a bricklayer
my friend
a boy
the landlady
move to a summer cottage.
lay a brick house.
enter a two-storey house.
draw a skyscraper.
speak to her lodger.
pull down a house.

 2) with the verb 'to hear'
hear(s)   heardmy friend
a guest
the hostess
our teacher
ring the bell.
praise my two-room flat.
speak to the hostess.
welcome her guests.
tell his friend of the rest-home.
read a play.

3) with the verb 'to feel'
The patient
the nurse mother
the older sister
his friend
the feather-bed
smooth his pillow.
tuck the blanket.
dry his back with a bath towel.
smooth his bedsheet.
put a cushion.
sink under his weight.

4) with the verb 'to want'
Our teacher
want(s) wantedyou
our house
this work 
to draw the blinds.
to pull up the blinds.
to spread the carpet on the floor.
to face the park.
to master English.
to be done.

5) with the verb 'to make'
her son
go to bed.
turn off the light.
water the flowers.
mend the bookshelf.

 5) with the verb 'to let'
  her son
screw in a new bulb.
unscrew a fused bulb.
light a candle.
plug in the iron.
leave for London.

6) with the verb 'to expect'

expect(s) expected  you
to air the room.
to receive the guests in the setting room.
to wait in the adjoining room.
to follow her advice; 

 6) with the verb 'should like' / 'would like'

I should likeyou
to help me.
to have a good time.
to arrange everything by the time I come back.

Exercise 3
Change the complex sentences into simple ones using complex objects.
A: I think that the flat is very cosy.
B: I think the flat to be very cosy.

  1. I think that a shower is a most important convenience. 
  2. I think that our water supply is not good.
  3. I saw that he pressed the bell.
  4. I did not expect that they would come in time. 
  5. I watched how he spoke on the phone. 
  6. He heard that the telephone rang. 
  7. I saw that he took out his latch-key. 
  8. She believed that he had stolen her money to pay his debts.
  9. He wants that this work will be done. 
  10. He wants that this work will have been done by Friday. 

Exercise 4
Practise in using Comlpex Object after 'make'. Change the sentences according to the model.
A: His mother advised him to write a story.
B: His mother made him write a story.

  1. His father advised him to quit smoking. 
  2. His brother advised him to get a new job. 
  3. Mary’s teacher advised her to take part in the writing contest. 
  4. Her parents advised her to move to Chicago. 

Exercise 5
Practise sentences with Complex Object after the verb 'want'. Say that you (he, she, they, etc.) want somebody to do the following.
A: I want to be introduced to Mr Laurie. (the host)
B: I want the host to introduce me to Mr Laurie.

  1. The patient wanted to be examined. (the doctor) 
  2. The man wants to be treated for rheumatism. (Doctor House) 
  3. He wished to be cured of his illness. (the specialist) 
  4. Usually English people don’t like to be asked personal questions. (strangers)

Exercise 6
Combine sentences using Complex Subject.
A: I heard him. He answered the door-bell.
B: I heard him answer the door-bell.

  1. He saw her. She burst into tears. 
  2. I haven’t heard him. He called my name. 
  3. The nurse watched the boy. The boy cried. 
  4. I felt his hand. His hand shook. 
  5. We saw a man. The man pulled the door open.

Exercise 7
Practise in using Complex Object.

a. Say what you (he, she) would (should) like me (him, her…) to do.

     to fix an appointment for someone for Monday
A: I would like you to fix an appointment for me for Monday.

  1. to have a good time at the party; 
  2. to arrange everything by the time I come back; 
  3. to show them the historical monuments of the city; 
  4. to tell me the news in brief.

b. Ask a friend if he wants you to do the following. Work in pair.

     to take care of the tickets
A: Do you want me to take care of the tickets?
B: Yes, do please.

  1. to come and help you with the packing; 
  2. to brief the pressman about the State Visit; 
  3. to show you some historical places of our city; 
  4. to entertain the guests; 
  5. to make a speech in Italian.

c. Say that you want certain thing (to be) done.

     to answer a telephone call
A: I want a telephone call to be answered

  1. to publish the historical manuscripts; 
  2. to do the steak well; 
  3. to do the work properly; 
  4. to forget this incident; 
  5. to tell the story in brief.

d. Ask a friend if he has heard or seen the following. Work in pair.

     the Chairman – to make an announcement
A: Did you hear the Chairman make an announcement?
B: Yes, I certainly did. (No, I am sorry, I didn’t.)

  1. they (to tell) about the car accident; 
  2. these flowers (to grow) in your country; 
  3. he (to do) the role of Richard III; 
  4. George (to take) the papers out of his brief-case. 

Exercise 8 
Read the extract from the poem pointing out complex objects. Learn the extract by heart.

The Wind

(by R. L. Stevenson)

I saw you toss the kites on high
And blow the birds about the sky.
And all round I heard you pass
Like ladies’ skirts across the grass.
Oh, wind, a-blowing all day long,
Oh, wind, that sings so loud a song!
I saw the different things you did.
But always you yourself you hid.
I felt you push, I heard you call,
I could not see yourself at all.
O wind, a-blowing all day long!
O wind, that sings so loud a song !
в теме письма указать имя фамилию 

Translate the dates.
Example: The first of May is the day of spring and labour.

  1. 1 мая - день весны и труда.
  2. 9 мая - день победы.
  3. 01 января - новый год
  4. 8 марта - международный женский день.
  5. 12 июня - день независимости России.
  6. 31 октября люди празднуют Хэллоуин.
  7. 23 февряля - день Защитника Отечества.
  8. 04 ноября  - день согласия и народного единства.

Make questions.

1. The Rusians are fond of their traditions.
2. The Russians read a lot of books.
3. The Russians are very hospitable.
4. We keep up tradirions.
5. Russians like to sit down for a long chat.
6. We are a nation of sport lovers. 
7. The official symbol of Russia is the two-headed eagle.
8. People celebrate the national holidays.


Дз на вторник
Пересказ текста ex 47 unit 2 пишите письменно в тетрадь.

The way we learn English


· In fact, I have been learning English for almost 7 years. It's an open secret that you can't build a house without foundations.

· You know, Grammar is very important. You need to practise grammar together with vocabulary. Practice helps you to memorize the words. 

· Honestly, learners face some problems. Firstly, ... (idioms) ... Secondly, ... (phrasal verbs)... Finally, ...  (intonation) ....

· I personally find ..... useful. I realized that ....

· Summing it up, I can say that learning a language isn't simple. ...

ДЗ на вторник.

1) SB Unit 2 ex 41*, 42*; (помним, что ex 39, 40 уже должны быть переведены слова);
2) Задайте 5 типов вопросов к каждому предложению:
1. Tom went to the zoo yesterday.
2. Alice will go to school tomorrow.
3. Bob eats apples every day.
Зайдите на страницу GRAMMAR посмотрите видео о том,  как задавать 5 типов вопросов, не пожалеете!;)

ДЗ на среду:

принести на урок activity book!

Поставьте прилагательное в правильную форму (предложения пишем целиком в тетрадь)

  1.  My  friend lives in this house. 
  2.  A whale is  and  than an elephant. 
  3.  Ask me a  question please. 
  4.  In winter the days are  and nights are 
  5.  What is  animal on the planet? 
  6.  Usually our boss is  on Thursdays. 
  7.  This is  building in our city. 
  8.  My car is  and  than your motorcycle. 
  9. My  brother is a bit  and  than me.
  10. Those were  days in her life. 
  11.  You chose  solution to this problem. 
  12. This student is  in our group. 
  13.  It is  to swim in the sea than in the river. 
  14.  I have recently visited one of  places in our country. 
  15.  She should be  here at night. 
  16. This is  book I have ever read.
  17.  Who is  worker in your company? 
  18. I speak English  than my  friend. 
  19.  Today my brother feels much 
  20.  This is  story I have ever heard.
  21. The movie is  than the book. 
  22.  January is  month of the year.
  23.  Dogs are usually  than cats. 
  24. This novel is  than that one. 
  25.  I want to buy  cell phone for my wife. 
  26.  You should be  to clients. 
  27.  My coffee is  than yours. 
  28.  I need  time. 
  29.  He was  young man I have ever met. 
  30.  This is   (    hard   )     sentence of the exercise. 

Дополнительные упражнения Past Simle vs Past Continuous см на странице Grammar

Смотрите схемы и таблицы по временам на страннице GRAMMAR

ДЗ на пятницу.  Past Simple vs Past Continuous.

 ДЗ на чт, Present Simple или Present Continuous

Исправь ошибки:

Повторяем Present Simple и Present Continuous

Это база ваших знаний! Фиксирую ваше внимание на том, что разобраться в том, когда и как употреблять эти времена давно необходимо!!!
Ваше ДЗ на среду:

Вопросы на вторник. 

Be ready to speak on each question for about 40 seconds.

1. What can you tell about Moscow?
2. Tell some information about any famous people of Russia. Who are they? What are thay famous for? 
3. What are the national symbols in Russia. What can say about them?
4. What can you say about the Russian National Government? Remember to say who are the Pime Minister, the head of the upper and lower House)
5. Can you name any major cities of Russia? Speak about some of them.
6. Where are the Altai and the Caucasus mountains situated? What other Russian mountain chains do you know?
7. What places in Russia would you advise a foreigner to visit? Why?
8. What were the most important events in the russian history? Explain.

ДЗ на ср 13.09

1) выучить + еще 5 глаголов, то есть по списку из учебника завтра буду спрашивать первые 15 глаголов.
2) SB ex 1 p 4. Be ready to speak on the questions.
SB ex 2, 3 p 5.
Фиксирую внимание на то, что, если задание устное, делать его обязательно! В ином случае полноценно дать ответ на уроке вы не сможете. Это та информация, которую, возможно, придется посмотреть в интернете или энциклопедии.  

Задание на вторник (пересказ) смотри во вкладке LISTENING.

Пересказ учится и рассказывается, а не читается!

Письмо пишем на пятницу, а не на завтра! 

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben. 

I think the summer holidays are a good time for trying new things. Recently, I went windsurfing for the first time. It was not easy but I enjoyd it.
Do you prefer the summer or winter holidays, and why? Where do you ussually spend summer holidays? what sport would you like to try one day?.

100-120 words 

Правила написания письма в формате ОГЭ.

1. В правом верхнем углу укажите адрес в следующем порядке: 
номер дома, название улицы 
Допускается указывать адрес в кратком виде, например: 
2. Под адресом, пропустив строку, необходимо написать дату письма: 
June 4th, 2015 
4 June 2015 
или менее формально: 

3. Письмо начинается с неофициального обращения. 

Если в задании имя вашего собеседника не указано, его следует придумать: 
Dear Ben
После обращения обязательно ставится запятая!

4. Разделите текст письма на несколько логических абзацев, каждый из которых начните с красной строки. 

1.      В первом абзаце вам следует поблагодарить своего друга за его письмо: 
Thanks (a lot) for your (last) letter. 
Your last letter was a real surprise. 
I was glad to get your letter. 
It was great to hear from you! / It was great to hear that… / I was happy to hear… 
Вы можете также извиниться за то, что не писали раньше: 
Sorry I haven’t written for so long but …/ Sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long. 
I'm sorry I haven't answered earlier but I was really busy with my school. 
и/или упомянуть какой-либо факт из полученного письма: 
I’m glad you passed your History test! 
Sounds like you had a great time in London! 
Great news about your…! 

2.      Основная часть письма (2–3 абзаца). В ней вы должны раскрыть все аспекты, указанные в задании.
Предполагается, что письмо должно быть написано в неформальном стиле, поэтому вы можете использовать неформальные слова-связки, такие как well, by the way, anyway, so, разговорные выражения типа Guess what? Или Wish me luck! а также восклицательные знаки. 

3.             В последнем параграфе следует объяснить, почему вы заканчиваете письмо: 
Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework. 
Anyway, I have to go now because my Mum asked me to help her with the washing up. 
I’ve got to go now! It’s time for my favourite TV show. 
и упомянуть о дальнейших контактах: 
Write (back) soon! 
Take care and keep in touch! 
Drop me a letter when you can. 
Hope to hear from you soon. 
I can’t wait to hear from you! 

5. В конце письма на отдельной строке указывается завершающая фраза-клише. После нее всегда ставится запятая!
 Ниже приводятся возможные варианты от наименее формального (1) к более формальному (7): 
1) Love, Lots of love, 
3) All my love, 
4) All the best, 
5) Best wishes, 
6) With best wishes, 
7) Yours, 
На следующей строке под завершающей фразой указывается имя автора (без фамилии!). Например: 
Andy или Kate 

После имени точку не ставим!

Таким образом, письмо к другу имеет следующий вид: 

You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben.

… I am very busy now preparing for my exams but yesterday I went to the cinema with my friends. We saw a new film about Sherlock Holmes. You’ve probably seen it too. … What kinds of films do you like? Where do you prefer watching films – in the cinema or at home and why? What would you make a film about if you had a chance?…

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.  Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.




Dear Ben,

Thank you for your letter. I must apologize for not writing earlier, but I was busy getting ready for my exams.

I’m happy to answer your questions. I have seen the film about Sherlock Holmes too. You know, I’m fond of detective stories, that’s why I went to the cinema to watch it. I enjoy watching the films in the cinema with my friends because watching films together is much more exciting. Besides, I like the atmosphere at the cinema. If I had a chance, I would make a film about animals because I love them and want to share my feelings with others.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,


Вводные фразы см на странице LEXIS

Be ready to speak about metro.
Presentation plan 
Metro (Underground, subway):
1. date, scheme
2. the most famous station
3. the most beautiful station
4. the oldest station
5. the newest station
6. some interesting facts

дз на среду 06.09:

1) выучить слова (перевод и как пишутся) 
event - событие, 
space - пространство, 
more likely - более вероятно, 
successful -успешный, 
weather -погода, 
2) сделать упражнение письменно (целиком предложение в тетрадь не писать - только форму глагола):

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